Tuesday, March 18, 2008

week 3 thing 7

At a staff meeting last week, we were given a brief explanation of Google Apps. It is soon to be an integral part of our system. We plan on switching over to the gmail system, too. Students have been using Google Docs for a while, so that they can send work to school from home. Due to lots of abuse a few years ago, we do not let students have email here. Google Docs really helps them out. I look forward to learning more about Google Apps. It sounds as though it will be avery useful tool here in the library media center.

Monday, March 17, 2008

week 3 #6

I haven't tried anything, yet, but I am enjoying reading about mashups and feeds and the like. It is a new world for me. I will try to post something on flickr next.

I am not a big fan of wikipedia, at least when I am helping students with research, but it has been helpful in obtaining the definitions of all of these Web 2.0 applications.

Who reads this stuff, anyway? Is there a way to see the other 23 Things blogs? How do I get listed on that page? Is anyone out there?

Friday, March 14, 2008

week 3 thing 5

I have been exploring flickr and have set up an account. I will play with some photos when I am at home. I look forward to sending my children some photos of home while they are away at school.
I learned about Tags. I think that I will have to be original with my tags. There are thousands of photos with very familiar tags on them!
I am enjoying this adventure in the web 2.0 world!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

week 2 things 3 & 4

It is evident from this blog that I have explored things 3 & 4. I plan on modifying the layout and changing the settings as I become more familiar with the site, and as I view other blogs. This stuff can be addicting!

week 1 things 1 & 2

I am excited to finally get going on the 23 things, but disappointed in myself that I didn't get started sooner. Better late than never!
Thing 1: I read and read all around the 23 things site and became rather confused. I hope, as I catch up, things will become more clear.
Thing 2: It is a coincidence that I have just taken it upon myself to learn Spanish. I will be going on a long road trip in April and have purchased a Spanish language program on CD to listen as I drive. I have started it here in Vermont when I go to meetings. I hope to stick to it and actually be able to have basic conversations with our Spanish speaking students in our school. The lifelong learning contract is just the ticket for me!

week 1 very, very late

Hello World,
I am a neophyte in the blogging world and here is my first official post. I hope that I am able to contribute to the librarians' network through this blog. This is a big step in my life long learning!